Saturday, June 11, 2016


I've thought a lot about writing a blog to share with the world what its like working within the death care industry.  As a society, we tend to push death away from us, never wanting to see it with our own eyes, for fear of its tragic impact on our lives.  Sometimes we just think that it is too much to bear and much easier to hire someone else to do the "dirty work" in a sense.  Although I sympathize with those who are grieving, after all, that is one of the main reasons I chose to be in such a profession, I do not think pushing it away is the answer.  I do, however, love every aspect of this job, even the things that most people would cringe over.  But don't fear, I have no intentions of sharing with you all of the gruesome details.  Sometimes, it is best to find the humor in things.  While sometimes I may make light of certain situations, I do not mean to discredit the pain that others are feeling when dealing with the death of a loved one nor is it my intention to dishonor those who have died.  For that reason I will always use different names and keep the families confidential.  I will always do my best to ensure that no one will know of the families I serve or have served, and it is for that reason I will keep my employers confidential as well.  Sometimes I may detail things that may make others uncomfortable, as it is part of the job, but I do not intend to tell anything that is not completely true in day to day life within this profession.  This is meant to be a place for me to open up and bring others closer to death without having to experience it in the capacity of those like myself.  If ever there will be gruesome details, I intend to have a disclaimer ahead of time, but as mentioned before, that is not my intention, it just comes with it sometimes.  I'm not sure how often I will write these stories.  This is for one, a way of accepting for me the things I've seen and dealt with from my own perspective.  You may take it or leave it.  But for those of you who wish to delve a little closer into the reality of what will one day become everyones future, it can be a wild ride.

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